
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Can Witchcraft Give You Everything?

I received an e-mail asking "Can Witchcraft give you everything?" The answer to this is complicated so it is both a "yes" and a "no." Witchcraft doesn't necessarily give you handouts. It doesn't, for the most part, give you things. Instead, it helps you obtain your goals and desires. For example, if you Cast a Spell to get a new job, you won't get it just by sitting at home playing Farmville. However, if you Cast the Spell and continue to look for work, you can expect to find the job shortly.

I like to think of Spells as an agreement of sorts where you meet in the middle. It's like you tell the Universe "Hey, I'll do this. Can you do this and let's meet in the middle?" That's what a Spell is. Obviously, however, you have to put yourself into the Spell; your Energy, intent, and desire is what determines whether the Spell is a success or not (although the Universe and Divine get the last say).

I feel the possibilities of Witchcraft are endless, but we have to work toward our goals and desires if we want Witchcraft to work for us. It is important to be serious about what you want if you want Witchcraft to be serious back.

As an example, I did a Spell to help bring more clients to me. I provide Psychic Intuitive Tarot Readings and things got pretty slow after the New Year which is fairly strange. So I Cast a Spell since I need more clients to bring in more money for my wedding that is quickly approaching. Within a few days I had multiple requests. At this point I'm actually afraid I won't be able to complete the Readings on time if I receive more requests as I can only do a few a day! What a pleasant surprise, though! This is, of course, just one of many examples where Witchcraft has worked its Magick in my life.

However, there is more to Witchcraft than just Spells. Many Witches practice some form of Divination whether it be Tarot, Oracles, Runes, or anything else! Some enjoy exploring Past Lives, practicing Healing methods and techniques, and so on. Witchcraft deals primarily with Energy and self-exploration and self-expression.

So who would I recommend Witchcraft to? Without being too specific, I would say that I recommend Witchcraft to someone that will work toward their goals and connect to their Self, the Universe, and the Divine.

Feel free to watch this video of me talking about this question. Some information presented in the video is not in the blog post. Keep the questions coming!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The ChristoPagan Charge of the Goddess

"The Charge of the Goddess" is popular amongst Witches, Pagans, and Wiccans alike. I felt that, for myself, it needed a more ChristoPagan feel to it. I have rewrote this wonderful poem (of sorts) in a ChristoPagan fashion. It fits better with my beliefs. Because ChristoPaganism isn't a Religion but rather an umbrella term (for someone that blends Christian beliefs and Pagan beliefs), this is not saying that all ChristoPagans will agree with this. However, this is just my view. If you would like to read the original "Charge of the Goddess" along with others, click here. Enjoy!

The video below includes an audio reading (by me) for you to enjoy. You may also view "The ChristoPagan Charge of the Goddess" below. All rights reserved. If you would like to use this, please contact me directly at

The ChristoPagan Charge of the Goddess

I am the Great Mother, full of Grace; hear my words.

I am she, known by many names across many faiths.

I am Mother Mary, Cerridwen, Aphrodite, Sophia,

Kali, Inanna, Isis, Diana, Hecate, Brighid, Morrigan,

and all others. I am in you and of you.

I am the Mother of God, Queen of Heaven,

Mother of the Church, Mother of the Coven,

Your Lady, Star of the Sea, Lady of the Lake,

the Huntress, the Morrigan, and the Holy Spirit.

When you need me, call me and I am there.

Look to the Moon and you will find me.

When the Moon is Full, assemble together or praise alone.

I am there, with you in Spirit.

Feel me around you and in you for I am the Queen of the Witches.

Assemble together under the Moon.

Hear me calling to you.

Learn of my secrets of Prayer and Magick

for I will teach you this Holy Witchcraft.

By knowing me, you are knowing yourself--the inner world.

I will help free you of the outside world--of all burdens.

Ask and you shall receive.

Praise me with rejoice, joy, laughter, music, and dance.

Love others and forgive in my Name for life is a lesson.

Know your goals and work towards them.

Nothing will stop you for I walk with you always.

I am the Secret and the Way.

I am the Path to the Truth.

I will give you eternal life with me.

I am the Gracious Goddess.

I give each of you joy and happiness.

In life, I give you knowledge to be gained and lessons to be learned.

Learn of me and learn from me.

In death, I give you peace, freedom, and reunion with others.

I do not demand sacrifice in life for I am life itself.

I am the Mother of the Living and the Mother of the Dead.

My love pours over all the land for I am the land--the Earth.

Feel my love shine down from the Moon for I am the Moon--Maiden, Mother, Crone.

Hear my words for I am your Star Goddess.

My feet are the hosts of Heaven.

My body encircles the Universe.

I am the beauty that is the green Earth.

I am the white Moon among the Stars.

I am the Mystery of the Waters.

I am the Desire of the heart of humankind.

Call me to know me.

Arise from slumber, open your eyes, and feel me around you.

Come to me for I am the Life Force of the Universe.

From me, all is born.

Unto me, all is returned.

Come to me, be in my arms, and know yourself.

See me and feel your Soul grow.

All acts of love and pleasure are my Rituals.

When your heart rejoices, you worship me.

Because of your worship you will be filled with Life.

Let there be beauty and strength within you.

Let there be power and compassion within you.

Let there be honor and humility within you.

Let there be mirth and reverance within you.

Let there be love and light within you and around you.

Experience all, for all is Life.

If you wish to find me and know me, learn of me and feel me.

Experience the Mystery of the Great Mother from within you.

The key to knowing me is within you.

Look into the Inner Temple and I am there.

I have been with you from the beginning, my child.

I will forever be by your side.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Psychic Intuitive Tarot Reading - Etsy Client #1

Ever wonder what my Psychic Intuitive Tarot Readings are like? While I offer in-depth E-mail Readings, Video Readings are becoming my next big thing! You will almost feel like you're sitting next to me or in front of me as I tell you what I sense and see in the Cards for you. You can purchase these on my website (just let me know you'd prefer a Video Reading) or on Etsy!

This specific Reading is a Love Reading! Enjoy watching the videos below and scroll down to read all about this amazing Spread that you, too, can get! This is my most popular and most requested Reading! I have clients order one for potential lovers, new relationships, past lovers, extramarital affairs, and others! If you have any questions, be sure to send me an e-mail at and I will answer you as best as I can!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Name: The Incredible, Expandable Love Spread
Number of Cards: 5
Price: $25
Categories: Love/Romance
E-mail Length: Approximately 10 Pages
Video Length: Approximately 50 Minutes
Good For: Finding out how someone feels about you, if you will end up with someone, if they're the one for you, choosing between 2 or more individuals.
Question: This particular Spread does not allow you to ask a question. All that is needed for this Spread is your name and the name of the other person or names of the other people.
Special for this Spread: This is perfect if you want to choose between 2 or more individuals. Just purchase one for each person and the Readings will be done at the same time as one large Reading! It will be easier to compare the Readings to help you decide for yourself who is the best to choose.
Layout of Cards:
1 2 3 4 5
Positional Meanings of the Cards:
1) General situation between you and your object of desire. (Basically, what's going on now between you and the other person.)
2) How he/she feels about you.
3) How you feel about him/her.
4) Obstacles to a relationship with this person.
5) Outcome/Advice (This is basically the answer to the question: "Is this person for me?")

My New Mother Mary Goddess Statue

This is my new Mother Mary/Virgin Mary Goddess Statue that I got for Christmas! I feel it will make a great addition to my statues and I look forward to using it on my altar, in my Spells, Rituals, and so forth!

Being ChristoPagan, I enjoy collecting various Pagan statues as well as Christian ones. I feel that this new statue will be used often to represent the Goddess as, I believe, Mary is one.

You can view my video below where I talk a bit about this wonderful gift!